Monday, June 16, 2014

Why go to college?

Why go to college?

Can’t I get a good job now? Yes, maybe you could, but a college degree will make your chances even better.  Check out the earnings and unemployment rates for people 25 years and older with different levels of education:
Level of education completed Mean (average) earnings in 2011 Unemployment rate in 2011
Less than a high school diploma $29,848 14.1%
High school graduate, no college $41,288 9.4%
Some college, no degree $46,288 8.7%
Occupational program (career school) $49,920 6.6%
Associate degree (academic program) $52,988 6.9%
Bachelor’s degree $71,552 4.9%
Master’s degree $84,448 3.6%
Doctoral degree (e.g., Ph.D.) $102,648 2.5%
Professional degree (e.g., M.D., J.D.) $121,212 2.4%

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey, unpublished tables, 2012.
(Ref. Federal Student Aid)